#010 Samantha Walter: bootstrapping an artisan baking company
In this episode we get back to the basics of owning an artisan baking company with our wonderful guest Samantha Walter. If you don’t catch Sam teaching baking lessons to some of her many fans, you find her baking, constantly, to keep up with the demand for her amazing macaroons and extravagant wedding cakes that actually taste great too. I have watched Sam from afar build her little baking company and believed in her so much she made the cake for mine and my wife’s wedding. We discuss her non typical path to success building this company starting from a kid who was a perfectionist student and part of a gifted and talented program. Sam was a star student, but she was also very logical in choosing what was practical and she was fortunate enough to have a love and a talent for something she found was quite marketable.
To see some of Sam’s work you can go to https://www.sweetsbysammt.com/ or follow her on instagram @sweetsbysam_
Or check out any of here other information for actual booking here! https://linktr.ee/sweetsbysamMT